Sunday, June 30, 2013

I made lamingtons without Natalie Tran's help

I found Natalie Tran's videos a few months ago, the day before I had a huge project due. That night I watched about 50 of her videos or so, no joke (I cried later when I was finishing my project past midnight).

At first I was really confused about all the lamington talk in her comments. Turns out, in a video made about four years ago, Natalie Tran aka communitychannel promised a lamington tutorial. And in these four years there has been no lamington how-to video, but there have been ones featuring lamingtons to taunt her viewers.

Then yesterday my mom wanted to make sponge cake so obv I stole half of it to make lamingtons! These are incredibly inauthentic.... ""Forgot"" to toast the coconut, used a chocolate toffee candy bar as the dipping chocolate, etc etc. You can blame Nat for not teaching me properly.

sponge cake makin'

Lamingtons are basically squares of sponge cake dipped in chocolate and then shredded coconut, so the hardest part about this whole shindig was probably making the sponge cake. I don't even think there really is a need for any detailed instructions in making these except for a recipe for the sponge cake (I used one from my mom's, but literally any will do)

chocolate of choice... kidding, it was all i had on hand

it's organic bitchez

you've been sliiiiiiiced

I rewatched some videos of Nat's featuring lamingtons and hers are at least 3x as big as mine, haha. I didn't quite know what size to cut them so I made them bite sized.

me getting all excite about baking
Fun fact: I snapchat spam my friends 25/7

I melted the chocolate in the microwave (lol) and just ignored the fact that there were pieces of toffee and almonds making up 60% of it. Unfortunately I couldn't get any photos of me doing the actual dipping cause it was sort of a messy process. Buttttttt........

can i just refer to these as lammies

cross-section action

Ta-daaaaaa! Shoutout to Nat for not teaching me how to make these.

If you ever decide to try making lamingtons...
  • Use chocolate that you wouldn't mind/would love to eat just on its own
  • If you have leftover microwave melted chocolate and want to melt more, use a new bowl, or this will happen
!!!1!!yay ground beef!!!!11!1

What's a recipe without a selfie???

Till next time, peace


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